(November 2002)
In Noenmaprong village (Phitsanulok province), a group of 11 mango growers were trained to conduct cross-sectional survey. These trained farmers observed and interviewed 20 other mango farmers in their community. Then they met several times to analyze the results, which are presented below.
Analysis of pesticides used
Among the 20 farmers 17 different pesticides were being used, including 4 chemicals belonging to WHO classes Ia and Ib. The list included 1 chemical that is banned in Thailand (Monocrotophos), and 2 chemicals that are currently registered but on the “watch list”. The use of these dangerous chemicals was quite common, with 5% of the farmers using chemicals belonging to class Ia and 95% using chemicals classified as Ib.
Analysis of the volume and frequency of pesticide use
When the farmers analyzed the amounts used they found that 20 farmers together use 541,984 liter of spray solution each year, which is an average of 28,525 liter per farmer. The days that they are at risk to chemical exposure was on average 22.1 days per year (lowest 10 days, highest 40 days).
Observations of pesticide storage and disposal of containers
Data of 15 farmers were summarized and it was found that only 2 of them (13%) had stored their pesticides in a proper way. In most cases, the chemicals were stored in the homes of the farmers and were not put behind lock.
Empty containers were not disposed off in a safe way as they were either left at farmers’ homes or they were just left behind in the mango orchard.
Signs and symptoms
Farmers made observations before and after a spraying session and listed the signs and symptoms on body maps. During their analysis they then summarized these observations in a table.
See also:
Survey by vegetable growers Kanchanaburi