The term “simultaneous sowing” means that in a certain location most farmers sow or plant their crop at the same time. Consequently, all fields will also pass simultaneously the various crop stages until harvest.
This method can sometimes be used to manage certain pests. Some pests are only important in only one stage of the plant. For example rice bug attacks the crop when it is in the “milky stage”. Because of simultaneous planting, there is only a relative short moment when the susceptible stage is available in the field. The moment that the pest can develop is thus also shorter and populations will not reach very high densities.
With staggered planting, the insects can multiply in one field, and then disperse to fields that were planted later.
The method of simultaneous sowing / planting can only be applied successfully if all farmers in an area work in close collaboration and decide together when they start their crop.
The method can also have disadvantages as simultaneous sowing also results in simultaneous harvesting. In vegetable production this could result in lower prices for the products. In rice production, it could create a shortage of labor needed for the harvesting.