What does “organic” mean?

Organic food is grown without any artificial pesticides or fertilizers. This is the most natural food available, and there are strict standards that organic farmers must follow.

The major certifying organisation in Thailand is ‘Organic Agriculture Certification Thailand’ (ACT). The leading producer of organic foods is Green Net Cooperatives. Both ACT and Green Net are supported by the Earth Net Foundation, which is playing a leading role in promoting organic farming in our country.

At present there is about 25,000 rai of certified organic production in Thailand. That’s not much; it means that for every 5,000 rai of farm land in Thailand, only one rai is organic. Earth Net and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives want to increase this area over the next few years.

Organic Thailand

Organic IFOAM logo

Organic food can be recognized by these “organic” logos. The Organic Thailand logo certifies growers according to Thai standards for organic farming. The ACT logo is accredited by an international organization called IFOAM.

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