This is a collection of information on Integrated Pest and Crop Management, Farmer Field Schools, and Agriculture.
Part of it used to be information collected on ‘’, which was a website developed by the IPM Danida project in Thailand (2001-2006). As that website is not working anymore, the content has been moved here.
Other information comes from books and other publications in which I was involved during my work in Ethiopia, Tchad, Ghana and Bangladesh.
In addition, this site contains a library of IPM related documents, which used to be on the Community IPM website of The Field Alliance.
This is the home page with links directing you to different parts of the site.
Integrated Pest Management
“What is IPM?” gives a brief introduction and definitions of Integrated Pest Management.
“Components of IPM” gives details on the various crop management methods that are used in IPM.
“Natural enemies” gives information about a selection of parasitoids, predators and pathogens that are important for natural control of pests.
“Safe Food” is a list of questions and answers on food safety.
“Cabbage, Cauliflower and Kale“, with information about pests and natural enemies.
All the above pages are based on an older website: “”. This explains why most examples and images are from Thailand.
Pesticide problems
“Pesticides” and the problems they cause are discussed. Also learn more about the classification of pesticides and how to reduce risks.
“Did you take your poison today?” is a document with questions and answers about pesticides that contaminate our food.
AEC FFS process documentation (pdf) gives an overview of the FFS training process in the Agricultural Extension Component (AEC), which was a Danida funded FFS program in Bangladesh (2006-2012). It introduces the reader to the FFS approach and it describes the history of curriculum development and technical content of the ICM FFS.
“Insect Pests of Cereals in Ethiopia” is an edited version of an FAO publication (1989).
“Insects, mites and diseases recorded on crops in Ghana” contains checklists of insects, mites and diseases recorded on crops in Ghana (1996).
Community IPM
“Community IPM documents” is a library of IPM related documents, which several years ago was started on the Community IPM website of The Field Alliance.
Farmer Field Schools

“Farmer Field Schools for IPM – Refresh your Memory” is based on a guide written for Farmer Field School (FFS) facilitators who graduated from a season-long Training of Trainers (TOT) course.
Group Dynamics
“Group dynamics exercises” is based on a guide produced for FFS facilitators who use these Group Dynamics Exercises during their sessions with farmers.
World Crops
“World Crops Database” is a website with information on a large number of agricultural crops.