A typical FFS session will take 3 to 4 hours and will have the following schedule:
- Introduction
- Summarize what was done last week and present today’s program
- Field visit / Field observations
- IPM plot
- FP plot
- Field experiments
- Collect data
- Collect samples
- Start analyzing the field situation. The facilitators observe the field together with the farmers and ask questions to start discussions.
- AESA drawing / discussions within small group
- Detailed analysis of the field situation.
- The facilitator asks questions to stimulate critical thinking.
- AESA presentation
- Decision making for IPM plot
- Agree on work to be done.
- Who is responsible?
- When will it be done?
- Set up insect zoos
- Observe and record insect zoo activities
- Group dynamics exercise
- Special topic
- Summarize and plan for next week
- Special topic requests