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- Carson, Rachel L. (1962) Silent Spring. ISBN 0-395-68329-7
- Colborn, T. , Dumanoski, D. and Myers, J.P. (1997). Our Stolen Future. ISBN 0-452-27414-1
- Manual for integrated pest management in Durian. Thai-German project IPM in selected fruit crops (1996).
- Proceedings of the semi-annual workshop IPM in selected fruit trees. Thai German Plant Protection Program. Bangkok 12-14 June 1995.
- Cabbage IPM: An ecological guide (December 2000). FAO Inter-country program for IPM in vegetables in South and Southeast Asia
- Tomato IPM: An ecological guide (December 2000). FAO Inter-country program for IPM in vegetables in South and Southeast Asia
- Campbell, Stu. (2001). Mulch it!: a practical guide to using mulch in the garden and landscape. ISBN 1-58017-316-0
- Stoll, Gabriele (2000). Natural Crop Protection in the Tropics. ISBN 3-8236-1317-0