Groups are effective if all members cooperate. If one member of a group is not cooperating, this will influence the performance of the entire group. This “Puzzles” exercise shows the negative impact if a group member does not cooperate with the others. It can be used as a starting point for a discussion on working with groups. It shows that the cooperation of each member contributes to the success of the whole team.
- To demonstrate the importance of cooperation in a group.
- To give suggestions on how to improve teamwork.
- 20 minutes
- Five puzzles of the same object with the same number and configuration of pieces. Before the session, the facilitators can prepare these puzzles by making a drawing (for example a dragonfly or a spider) on cardboard or art paper and then cutting it out.
- Before the session, from two puzzles hide two pieces each and put each puzzle in a separate envelop.
- Divide the participants in 5 groups and ask each group to pick an envelop.
- Give clear instructions to complete the puzzle.
- Give a signal and ask the groups to begin working on their puzzles.
- Let them work until 3 groups have completed their puzzle. The other two groups will not complete the puzzle.
Some guidelines for discussion
- What were you doing during the game?
- Why did some groups finish before the other groups?
- How did the groups that could not complete their puzzle feel?
- Does this happen in real life? Give examples?
- How do other people in a group feel if a member does not cooperate in the group work?
- What happens when some members do not cooperate?
- What can be done to prevent this from happening in our group?