This “Finding Lost Items” exercise shows the importance of leadership, planning and coordination.
- To inspire the participants to be active in the group.
- To make the participants understand the importance of planning and coordination.
- 30 minutes
- For this exercise we can use anything small that belongs to the participants, e.g. pen, pencil, rubber band, name card, cap, sharpener, comb etc.
- Some precautions should be taken before conducting this exercise: physically weak participant should not participate in this exercise.
- The facilitator will ask all the participants to select one item which he/she wants to hide somewhere. The facilitator will pretend to taking note of the items.
- Then the facilitator will instruct the participants to go around and put their selected items in a secret place so that no one could find it. After doing that the participants will come back to the facilitator.
- The facilitator divides the participants in 3 or 4 groups comprising of similar participants. For example a group of young men, a group of old men, a group of young women, and a group of older women.
– The number of participants will be the same in each group.
– Each group will stand separately in rows. - Then the facilitator will ask the members of each group to stand close together and hold each other tightly by hands.
- Now the facilitator will instruct the groups to collect their hidden items while keeping together as a group. The group will be disqualified if they break their chain of hands.
- Each group will now collect all the items which their group members have kept at a secret place.
- The group which will be able to come back to the facilitator after collecting all the items without being separated will be declared as the winner.
Some guidelines for discussion
- How do you feel after playing the game? Did you get all the items?
- Why did your group win this game? Why were you so fast and effective?
- Why did your group not win? What slowed you down?
- What have we learnt from this exercise?
- If you would play it again, would you be faster? Why?