Mental Map
This “Mental Map” exercise, done at the beginning of an FFS, shows what the participants know and think about IPM or ICM. Repeat it at the end of the FFS.
This “Mental Map” exercise, done at the beginning of an FFS, shows what the participants know and think about IPM or ICM. Repeat it at the end of the FFS.
This “Longest Line” exercise will stimulate the sharing and cooperation among the participants. It can be used as a starting point for a session on “working with others”.
In the FFS, we often ask farmers to work in smaller groups. The exercise “List As Many Objects As You Can” demonstrates the advantages of working together.
At the beginning of a training (start of an FFS) the participants do not know each other. The “Line Up” exercise helps them to familiarize with each other.
This “How Many Squares?” exercise shows that even with the same information, different people have often a different perception.
Different viewpoint can influence the thinking and actions of people. The “Front or Behind” exercise shows how different viewpoints can affect group work.
This “Finding Lost Items” exercise shows the importance of leadership, planning and coordination.
This exercise on “Drawing Without Lifting the Pen” is designed to show the importance of planning and cooperation between group members.
This exercise will help the participants to better remember the names of natural defenders (beneficial insects), pests and diseases.