Is it realistic to expect housewives to take action on this issue?


Mrs. Ploypailin is a 26-year old Secretary working in a Government Office, close to Chatuchak market.

“I am very scared about what I have heard on TV about pesticides in food. It said that pesticide residues could accumulate in the body and cause cancer.”

“I try to buy vegetables which have lots of holes in the leaves, which shows that insects have been biting them.”


Mrs. Wilawan Suwalam is a working mother, living in a condo in Bangsue, Bangkok.

“I choose brands like Doi Kham and Poo Fah because they are under the Royal Project. I don’t know about chemical residues in these foods, but I am sure they have good quality control.”

“ I know the price is a bit more expensive. But I earn my money so I can look after my family and myself, and that makes me think I should buy safe food. We need to stay healthy so that we can keep working. It would be sad if we worked so hard and rewarded ourselves by eating poisonous food”.

Prof Khlayabsorn

Dr. Khlayabsorn Phongpian is a housewife and a professor at Mahidol University.

“I prefer to choose seasonal vegetables. The price is reasonable and I believe there is less chance of pesticide contamination. After buying, I soak my vegetables in water, and then rinse them before cooking or putting in the refrigerator.”

“My friends tell me not to eat Chinese cabbage and yard long bean because a lot of pesticide is used in the production. This is a pity because they are my favorite vegetables!”

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