Facilitating an FFS means you have to prepare yourself in advance for each session. If more than one facilitators are running the FFS together, they should meet before each session for preparing and dividing responsibilities:
- Prepare the program for the next FFS session
- Planning for routine activities
- Prepare for the next AESA
- Make a summary of last week data
- Special topic (indicated by farmers in previous session)
- Prepare yourself
- Bring materials
- Invite somebody to help if needed
- Planning of exercises
- Background information
- Objective
- Time needed
- Materials
- Procedure to follow
- Planning for routine activities
- Prepare materials needed for the next FFS session
- Paper, pencils, crayons, flip charts
- Inputs for experiments
- Traps, sweep nets, hand lenses
- Bio-pesticides
- Etc. (see also chapter on Training Materials)
- Prepare documentation needed for next session
- Ecological guides
- Identification manuals
- Posters
- Etc.
- Make other preparations
- Snacks
- Meeting place
- Signboards
- Etc.
To prepare for FFS sessions, facilitators can make use of a wide range of ecological guides which offer background information and practical exercises that can be used with the farmers. Illustrated identification guides are an aid in recognizing pests and natural enemies.