Do we have laws to deal with this problem?
Note: This text was written in 2003. Some information may be out-of date. The most important piece of legislation related […]
Note: This text was written in 2003. Some information may be out-of date. The most important piece of legislation related […]
The Ministry of Public Health is responsible for the implementation of both The Food Act and the Public Health Act.
Prof. Dr. Pakdee Pothisiri is the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health. “The Ministry of Public Health
Dr. Ampon Kittiampon is the Secretary General of the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodities and Food Standards. “The Ministry of
His Majesty the King has played a leading role in agricultural development in Thailand. The Royal Projects are conducting research
The Thai government is very much concerned about food safety and is taking many steps to improve the current situation.
The following organisations can be contacted for more information about pesticides and food safety in Thailand. Most of these organisations
Use this collection of books, reports and websites to learn more about pesticides and the problems they cause. Books Carson,